Dating service & website "" will now temporarily allow Caucasian/White people to join due to COVID-19

Dating service & website "" will now temporarily allow Caucasian/White people to join due to COVID-19

Due to COVID-19 white people can now join the website, however their membership fees will cost more (a lot more)

"When I saw that was accepting white people, I lowkey cried in my car during lunch...I've been trying to sign up for that website since 2009 and they've continued to ban me everytime." said Austin, a 22 year old freshman at Arizona State
"With politics these days it's so hard to come together about anything, I think what blackpeoplemeet did was incredibly progressive and a step forward for fighting against racism." 

Girl, 13, dies after being struck by lightning on Greece beach

A 13-year-old girl has died after being struck by lightning in northern Greece during a sudden summer rainstorm.

'Kenya has changed forever' - inside first funeral after deadly protests

A funeral procession weaves through the heart of one of Nairobi's poorest neighbourhoods. 

From low expectations to 'going all the way' - how Germany could win Euro 2024

There was very little fanfare around Germany's chances of winning a fourth European Championship before the start of Euro 2024.

Today feels like the beginning of one last push to try to find Jay Slater

In a corner of Tenerife, a winding, narrow road takes you towards a small village called Masca.

Le Pen on the brink of power, as Macron's big gamble looks set to fail

In France, politics is happening at a ferocious pace.

Growing unease in Paris suburbs over National Rally's lead ahead of France's election

It is fair to say the people of France weren't expecting to vote in a national election this summer.

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