Due to the recent 'Corona virus' or 'Covid-19' a couple was locked inside their house and had them and their loved one along with friends visit their online wedding within the online video gaming platform, ROBLOX.
A couple who is friend of an unnamed CNN reporter, has had their wedding inside of the platform aimed and targeted at kids called ROBLOX. We asked them for an inerview, but they declined and instead wrote an E-Mail for us to put here. It says as following:The typical household could see major bills rise by almost £270 by April, Sky News analysis suggests.
Have you ever dreamed of flying in an unmanned drone, from city to city?
Each cigarette a person smokes could shorten their life by 20 minutes, according to new estimates.
The world has experienced a "decade of deadly heat", the head of the UN says, as he urged countries to "exit this road to ruin".
One of the oldest golf clubs in the country is facing a fight for its future - from storms and the seas.
Scientists have built tiny VR goggles for mice so they can better study how animals behave in virtual reality.
Main article is FAKE. Create your own fake news.