Police describe "house of horrors", allege suspect turned victims' remains into "Pepperoni."
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Patrick S. Tomlinson, a Wisconsin Science Fiction author known for his controversial views and long-standing feud with internet "trolls" who allegedly harass him, was arrested earlier today at an abandoned warehouse after witnesses reported strange sounds coming from the area. Milwaukee Police claim they had been called to Tomlinson's house several times in the past, over claims that the man was kidnapping black children in the community, murdering them and cannibalizing their corpses. Though these claims were believed to be a part of a sick joke, police claim that the arrest today proves they were all too real.
Police claim that when SWAT officers raided the complex, Patrick Tomlinson was found holding a butcher cleaver, caked in blood, wearing an apron and angrily shoving a hunk of 'viscera' into a meat grinder. Tomlinson claimed he was "just making pepperoni." Responders were horrified to discover that it was actually a hunt of human flesh that belong to a prepubescent child. Initially, Tomlinson refused to surrender to police, mockingly calling officers "child" and interrupting them while they spoke. Tomlinson reportedly had to be tazed six times before he complied with police, soiling himself after.
Sheriff Denita R. Ball, at a press release, called the incident "possibly the most heinous, monstorous crimes Milwaukee has ever seen." Sheriff Ball said the alleged attacks were 'clearly racially motivated.' In gruesome detail, she explained: "The suspect targeted, almost exclusively, African-American children for his acts. His disgusting torture chamber was covered in the blood and gore of innocent, young black children. This monster delighted in destroying these children utterly, to the point of eating their remains."
Tomlinson had allegedly been giving free sausages made from human meat away for free over Craigslist. It's unknown if anyone else had actually consumed these 'sausages', though police are still investigating. Tomlinson is currently and awaiting arraignment.