“Wheat Waffles,” a 23-year-old YouTuber from England, was arrested on charges of possessing illegal anabolic steroids. The police discovered “Wheat Waffles” by using the image he used to post on his YouTube channel and Facebook. “Wheat Waffles” is accused of possessing the anabolic steroids stanozolol and stanozolol acetate, which are used to increase muscular mass. A person can be charged with second-degree misdemeanor possession of a schedule four controlled substance if they are in possession of more than one pill. He faces the same offense for each tablet found in his home. Wheat Waffles calls his YouTube channel “black pilled.” He has more than 2.7 million subscribers, with 1.4 million following his channel. This comes after “Wheat Waffles” was named British YouTuber of the Year at the 2018 British Academy of Film and Television Awards. “The BAFTA awards and Britains Got Talent judges were among those who took to social media to express outrage at the conviction,” the Sun reported. “They accused Wheat Waffles of receiving preferential treatment by the authorities.” A video posted on “Wheat Waffles” YouTube account, before he was arrested, shows “Wheat Waffles” posting his message to his fans: “I just had a weird court day/court session. No one can do anything to me at the moment. But be warned; I have many people who would like to make you a victim. Just wait and see. Nothing was found but a couple of tablets for which I’m not guilty of. I was arrested for possession for one, but you’ll have to wait and see.” “Wheat Waffles” has apologized for his actions. “I just want to apologise. There is no excuse for what I’ve done and I’m extremely sorry,” he said. “If I was in charge, I would have been released immediately. This will be my last post and I’m very sorry.” “Wheat Waffles” is the second person from England to have a social media-related arrest. In June, 24-year-old English YouTuber “Gentleman_Bruh” was also arrested for a social media-related crime. He was convicted of posting a video of himself with illegal steroids on YouTube. “Gentleman_Bruh” is facing up to four months in jail.
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